Scheda di dettaglio


Method for preparing highly nitrogen-doped mesoporous carbon composites

The present invention relates to a new method for preparing highly N-doped porous carbon composites, and their use for efficient catalytic support in heterogeneous catalysis by metal-free systems. It is an object of the present invention to overcome the disadvantages known in the art and to devise a straightforward and environmentally friendly synthetic methodology for the preparation of highly N-doped carbon-based materials in the form of “highly flexible” coatings for a variety of macroscopically shaped supports. By this way, several composite materials will be prepared and successfully employed as effective metal-free heterogeneous catalysts for a number of industrially relevant catalytic transformations. For example, the macroscopic support coated with a layer of highly N-doped mesoporous carbonaceous material obtainable by a method according the present invention may be used in oxygen reduction reaction, steam-free dehydrogenation of olefins or partial oxidation of H2S into elemental sulfur.



  • Huu Cuong Pham
  • Liu Yuefeng
  • Ba Housseinou
  • Nhut Jean-Mario
  • Nguyen Dinh-Lam


  • Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
  • CNRS


  • processi chimici-fisici: catalisi, chimica dei colloidi e loro dispositivi più importanti

Settore Tecnologico

  • sostanze organiche


  • N-doping; macroscopically shaped catalysts; mesoporous carbons; surface coating; oxygen reduction reaction; steam-free dehydrogenation of olefins; H2S oxidation


1) Highly N-doped mesoporous carbon coatings at the surface of macroscopically shaped host matrices obtained from cheap, easily accessible and environmentally friendly feedstock building blocks. 2) High N-concentration at the outmost surface of the coating layer 3) High N-doped mesoporous carbons prepared with high synthetic efficiency under environmentally friendly conditions and starting from non-toxic raw materials. 4) High specific surface area (SSA) of the hybrid composites and experimental procedures easy to scale-up from a laboratory scale to industrial plants. 5) High activity and selectivity in the scrutinized catalytic transformations with selected issues having better performance compared to the metal-base systems of the state of the art.




fonte dati: "Gestione Trovati" | | | Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche | P.le Aldo Moro, 7 | 00185 Roma